The difference between Starch and carbohydrates is essential to understand. Carbohydrates are foods made of sugars, but not all carbs contain starch.
Carbohydrates Can Be Simple Sugars or Complex Sugars.
Simple sugars are absorbed quickly into the bloodstream, but complex sugars are broken down much more slowly.
Examples of simple sugars include
- Fructose
- Fruit juice
- Sucrose
- Glucose
- Raw sugar and brown sugar
- Honey
Examples of complex sugar foods include
- Whole grains
- Beans
- Vegetables
- Corn
- Oats
- Rice
- Pasta
It is accepted that complex carbohydrate (sugar) foods are much better for health as they are less likely to spike blood sugars than simple sugar foods and provide a more sustained energy source. They also contain fibre, which is important for gut health.
What is Starch?
Starch is a carbohydrate that breaks down into glucose when digested.
High Starch foods include
- Potatoes
- Pasta
- Rice
- Wheat
Not all carbohydrates contain starch, but all starchy foods are carbohydrates.
Is There a Problem With Starch?
Many people have problems digesting starch, and it can result in weight gain, bloating, and general digestive issues. Many people also report stiffness and inflammation in their joints and muscles after consuming starchy foods.
Not everyone has problems with starch, but more and more people are suffering symptoms associated with starch.
The enzyme AMY1 is responsible for the breakdown and processing of starch in carbohydrates.
Many people have a decreased ability to do so due to changes in the AMY1 gene and, therefore, are at a greater risk for insulin resistance, diabetes, obesity, and digestive issues.
Some Foods Naturally Increase Your Digestion of Starch
Some foods can naturally increase your secretion of amylase. Incorporating these foods into your diet is important if you have issues processing starch—eg lemons and limes.
There are also ways you can cook and prepare starchy foods to lower their starch impact on your body.
For example, the resistant starch in potatoes is increased when they are cooked and then cooled before they are eaten.
Exercise also has a positive impact on amylase secretion.
What is Dietary Resistant Starch?
Resistant starches are starch foods that resist absorption. They, therefore, can be beneficial in providing important dietary fibre and making you feel satisfied. Because they aren’t absorbed in the small intestine, they are a valuable addition to a low-starch diet. An example of a resistant starch food is green bananas.
Testing For Issues With Digesting and Processing Starch?
The best way to know for sure whether you have problems with starchy carbohydrate foods is to test the AMY1 gene, which controls the enzyme amylase.
Because the impact of a Low copy number ( or variation ) within the AMY1 gene can have so many health implications, I would recommend the Fitgenes AMY1 gene test. This test through Fitgenes is the only commercially available test available worldwide for this gene.
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