Comprehensive Stool Analysis incorporating a PCR Test
There is a range of CDSA Tests available.
This gives flexibility depending on what your health needs are.
There is also the option of ordering individual markers if there are one or more things you need clarification on, e.g., Transglutaminase IgA for gluten sensitivity.

There are 5 single markers tests available
Why Use a CDSA Test?
This test shows key enzymes and markers through the whole GI tract. It is invaluable when overall digestion has been a problem, including pain, bloating, diarrhoea, reflux, and constipation. This test is useful, especially when traditional medical tests are normal, but you know your digestion isn’t right.
The full panel gives markers of:
Macroscopy and Microscopy
– Stool colour, form, mucous, red blood cells, white, food remnants, starch, fat.
–chymotrypsin, SCFA, Pancreatic elastase, meat, and vege fibres
-Triglycerides, Long-chain fatty acids, cholesterol, Phospholipids
-transglutaminase IGA, eosinophil protein X, calprotectin, bile acids, lactoferrin.
Metabolic Markers
-Beneficial SCFA, ph ,butyrate,acetate, propionate,b-glucuronidase
Tumour and Ulcer Markers
-M2 pyruvate kinase, h pylori antigen
Bacteriology, including yeasts.
-This test includes levels of beneficial bacteria, including bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Yeasts include candida Albicans plus other species and potentially pathogenic bacteria such as yersinia, campylobacter, and klebsiella.
It also includes a panel of what antibiotic or natural supplement would be effective against Bacteria and Yeast.
-Infectious organisms such as giardia, cryptosporidium, blastocysts, and hominins, along with other parasite species, are tested.
What is a PCR test?
PCR testing uses technology that can amplify even trace levels of DNA present. This can give an advantage when testing when the bacteria or H. pylori, for example, may be missed, but fragments of DNA can be found.
This allows for a more accurate assessment of infection present even in a 1-day stool sample.
You can purchase a Comprehensive Stool Analysis Test at our website or click the link below.