Genetic Testing for Disease Predisposition

Reducing your risk of chronic disease by genetic testing for disease predisposition is something you don’t often think about until some health event affects you or someone close to you.

DNA Test to Determine Health Risks

As the name suggests, chronic disease doesn’t happen overnight and is usually many years in the making.

This gives you the best opportunity to intervene at any time and reduce the risks of developing some of these debilitating illnesses and enjoy a long and healthy life.

Many people believe that developing a chronic disease such as Heart disease, Diabetes, Arthritis, Alzheimers, or Cancers are inevitable in our society. You can be forgiven for thinking that many people seem to succumb to these kinds of illnesses.

dna testing for health risks

As is tested in the Health and Wellbeing profile, genetic testing can clarify where you sit as far as risk factors are concerned for these diseases. More importantly, it also tells you the kinds of foods, supplements, exercise, and lifestyle choices that will help you move away from the risk zone.

Family Genetic Disorders.

Some specific genes put you at risk for certain genetic conditions, which often are highlighted when a family member is diagnosed with a particular disorder.

Some of these genetic disorders are also considered chronic disease risks and include those diseases like Diabetes type 2 and Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Cancer.

family genetic disorders

The Health and Wellbeing profile can highlight additional risk factors for developing these diseases.

Rare Genetic Disorders

Other family genetic disorders are rare in nature and include diseases such as Hemochromatosis, Haemophilia, Huntingdon’s Disease, Cystic Fibrosis, Marfan Syndrome, and many more. When these health conditions show in a family member, finding out who else in the family could also be affected. An individual gene test can be done in that situation to see if that particular gene mutation is present. You would need to visit your Medical Doctor to arrange to have that individual gene tested.

If you want to reduce your risk of chronic disease and reduce your risk of getting an inherited disease shown to be in your family, then the Health and Wellbeing Profile Test is a great test to do. It will highlight ways to create an environment in your body where you reduce the likelihood of those genes expressing unfavorably.

genetic mutations

 It is always important to remember. Your genes need not be your Destiny.

Fitgenes DNA Diet Test Genetic Profiles

These Fitgenes DNA Diet Test Genetic Profiles are excellent if you are looking for DNA Diet tests for fitness and weight loss.

Carb Choice Profile

Carb Choice DNA Test offers specific information about how your body responds to Starches from Carbohydrate. It tells you how much you should be eating for a healthy weight and overall good health.

It tests the genetic variation present in the AMY 1 gene, influencing how your body breaks down and processes starch.

DNA testing for weight loss nz

You get dietary guidelines specific for you and information on what foods reduce the activity of this gene and what foods increase its activity.

There are also exercise guidelines for you.

Health and Wellbeing Profile.

This Health DNA Test looks at diet and exercise with every gene tested.

It gives specifics of the most beneficial foods for you and answers why you may find it difficult to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.

Genetic Variants

  • Some gene variants will make you want to snack more.
  • Others may make you want to snack more in the evening.

Genetic variants can make you favour savoury or sweet foods and can make you desire fatty foods to feel satisfied.

Knowing your genetic variant on the FTO gene, for example, will tell you how much protein you actually do need. Interestingly, if you have too much protein in your diet for what is right for your body, it has an inflaming effect and can make you put on fat weight.

-So It's Not Just All About Fats and Carbs.

This will also happen with variants in some of the inflammatory genes. Certain variants will put you at risk of having a low microflora and increased risk for gluten sensitivity and increased stress response. All these factors will influence how easy it is to put on weight and how hard it is to lose weight.

It is interesting to note there are certain species of gut flora that have been shown in studies to assist in losing fat, particularly gut fat.

Obtaining and maintaining a healthy weight can be difficult. There are so many diets out there it’s hard to know where to begin. However, knowing your own responses to foods as directed from your DNA and following a DNA based diet can give you the keys to finally having success.